this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
segasarusrex writes
dude you're right it
doesn't mean anything. it points to the fact that the zen, or whatever, can't be conceptualized by thought. you can read as many books as you want that tell you this is zen and this is not zen but really it all just is... and it is chillin. so just stop thinking about it and let it be. watch how awesome it is, don't think about watching it watch it without thought. in the words of the great master ho ding ah ling calm your shit
you seem to be doing an awful lot of thinking..............
about not thinking :o(
there's actually no escape from it and it's not wrong at all, but needs straightening so that correct understanding emerges
if you accept my experience as valid I can tell you the big enlightenment experience needs thinking................
actually I have had two, one needed thinking (adult)
and one (as a child) didn't, was completely spontaneous
this anti thinking emphasis of soto zen is not from the chan which is not anti-intellectual at all, but the kamakura samurai influence which needs soldiers to be mindless and obedient..................
which is why zen was such a powerful propaganda tool for the militaristic Japanese governments in the meiji era and WW2 !
life is full of ironies, you may have had a relative fight against the japanese in WW2 and here you are pushing japanese nationalist propaganda !
2nd writes
i'm sorry, but i can't take you seriously after checking out your comment history. you fall somewhere on the spectrum between obnoxious and trollish. you have -47 comment karma for a reason. your above comment utterly fails to contribute productively to this dialogue
my reply
wow you certainly have a huge number of karma (ed 647!) points !
(tugs forelock :o)
you must be telling people what they want to hear
: o)(
furzellewen, you're a gaming crap artist pimping tolle and don't like being called on it !
it's not being sold, (ed. furzellewen disparaging my link to the poems
index )
but offered and
it's the tolle clones like yourself with your white bread spirituality that are so negative on anything that is original and creative !
i have been around on the web for years with the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet and my poetry and homilies, they are not unknown....
generally I post links to my health writings because if it's all worked out what I want to say then its logical to link
occasionally, (or actually a few on reddit) I come across someone like you who freaks out over the way I look at things
your thinking has been disrupted..............
a fantasy or illusionary vision is shown as a mirage and it's not liked at all !
i'm not saying anything you haven't already said yourself on reddit
the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate
diet is a way out
you are also on autistic spectrum/aspergers (like me!)
there is something behind your being upset, you are intelligent and understand implications................!
furzellewen replies
i'll be sure to try your diet to see if (ed. sarcastic!)
“ no sugar, honey, grains, potatoes or sweet potatoes; pasturize fruit as applicable, and take the digestive enzymes discussed in
other supplements, vitamins, timing ”
is the elusive formula for the cure to weed smoking.
there's a heap more and if you understand how toxins from bad stomach flora affect the brain, gut and immune system...............
i'd need anti-depressants now if it hadn't worked
you need intelligent supplementation as well........
here in australia we have good offal like lamb brains too which are a big help
what I am saying is if the undercurrent is still there you will be drawn back to the need to self medicate.......................
i think sex is a much deeper experience for women than men !
and why shouldn't it be, they have that union of the genes !
men just expel their sperm !
i think sex is a much deeper experience for women than men !
and why shouldn't it be, they have that union of the genes !
men just expel their sperm !
walruses are dangerous !
stab of a pair of those one foot tusks into the rear flank, penterating past the muscle into the intestine !
mumon ekai
in order to master zen, you must pass the barrier of the patriarchs
to attain this subtle realization, you must completely cut off the way of thinking
if you do not pass the barrier, and do not cut off the way of thinking, then you will be like a ghost clinging to the bushes and weeds
my reply
there is no mastery of zen and no barrier of the patriarchs ! ? !
swept into infinity we gaze astounded...............
the shipwrecked morons cling to their driftwood
failing to
so even your “pretend” is pretend
“ read the power of now by eckhart tolle ”
lol, the power of “ bad health ” by Eckhart tolle
he writes a lot of nonsense imo and the health of those people is chronically bad !
you have to be careful to avoid joint damage with exercises !
a lower weight of course helps a lot with this !
when i wake up in the morning, i sit on the side of my bed and do some neck stretches, humming and vocalizations to resonate the lungs and nasal passages which stimulate the immune system and roll my eyes corner to corner and up and down to reduce intraocular eye pressure !
the trouble with cans (ed. canned food !) is the BPA in the epoxy sealer and interior coating they use !
the only useful uvb lamps are fluorescents and have mercury in, this may change in the future as new led uvb lamps come out !
waxy textured potatoes have more sugar and less starch, so are more digestible, Bintje, Dutch cream, Nadine, Pink Eye............
bismarks are no good, even as new potatoes !
it may still be best to remove them ! they give me gut discomfort !
fortunately i have never had any mercury amalgam fillings, but i think i was affected by lead and mercury “ in utero ” !
yeah i'd be interested in recipies, but i would suggest you try them for quite a while just to get them properly worked out, i find most things can take a year or more to get a feel for wether it's right or not !
zen, the circus of pretend !
how's that for a saying of the masters !
zen, the circus of pretend !
how's that for a saying of the masters !
net zen, the circus of pretend !
zen, the circus of pretend !
Dxyz writes
My recent relationship has gone off the rails. None have ever worked out, but this time I felt like I approached it differently
Is it possible for a man and woman to be in a relationship, without needing to be in the relationship? How do they compliment each other without becoming mired in the bullshit psychological issues?
You've written about life being a process of deconstruction and reconstruction. I see that, but to date, I don't see how a romantic relationship fits in with that. Well, in my experience, I've always gone after extreme intimacy, but I've never figured out how to accept the other person's frailties, deconstructing every thing until they can't stand it!
I heard J Krishnamurti quip that he never married because how could he tell his wife, “ I love you, but I'm not attached to you ” I don't know if he's implying that no women would be able to understand that. What do you say? (Also, apparently he had a long-time affair with his editor's wife, which, if true, must've been complicated...)
This is a common theme I've written/asked about. Perhaps there isn't a resolution, but you haven't really talked about your situation. I assume you haven't found a resolution, either!
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the (overall?) cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women (damaged men and women attract each other?) ( damaged men and women attract each other? )
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the (overall?) cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women ( damaged men and women attract each other? )
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the (overall?) cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women ( damaged men and women attract each other? )
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the (overall?) cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women ( damaged men and women attract each other? )
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the (overall?) cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women (damaged men and women attract each other?)
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women (damaged men and women attract each other?)
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women (damaged men and women attract each other?)
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
the romantic phase is part of a cycle that involves babies, young children adolescent children, being a grandparent and dying ...................
the cycle is dominant
damaged men attract damaged women (damaged men and women attract each other?)
[ life is damage ! ? : O ( ( )( ]
the fragile with sense avoid this cycle (as in my case)
i would take a strictly utilitarian view of the whole business ! : o ) ( )
question from a disciple: what is delusion?
answer by the zen master xuan hua: delusion is when we don’t feel that we’re deluded
if the idiot had asked me i would have said
delusion is asking that question like i can give some sort of answer !
question from a disciple: what is delusion?
answer by the zen master xuan hua: delusion is when we don’t feel that we’re deluded
so xuan hua must have felt he was deluded when he said that !?
was he mentally retarded, one is begining to wonder !
if the idiot had asked me i would have said
delusion is asking that question like i can give some sort of answer !
question from a disciple: what is delusion?
answer by the zen master xuan hua: delusion is when we don’t feel that we’re deluded
so xuan hua must have felt he (ed. xuan hua!) was deluded when he said that !?
was he mentally retarded, one is begining to wonder !
question from a disciple: what is delusion?
answer by the zen master xuan hua: delusion is when we don’t feel that we’re deluded
so xuan hua must have felt he was deluded when he said that !?
was he mentally retarded, one is begining to wonder !
10 out of 10 easy
peasy :o)
the body clock sees white and blue light as day and red and dark as night, so if you
slept in the day at the same times but only used a red light and had a light with a reasonable amount of blue in at night then that's sorta ok
the worse thing is rotating shift hours !
the operation of the genes is synchronized and modulates to the circadian rhythm so synchronicity is a huge issue !
you have an unerring eye for falling into the traps, I don't say I am better, it's just the traps are different :o(
where we don't put work in has consequences !
where we don't put work in has consequences !
where we don't put work has consequences !
lazy is not doing the required work and stupidity is pretending to understand when you don't, not rocket science is it?
I think my definition identifies an element of deceit in “stupidity” , if you don't know you don't know, but if you pretend to know when you don't, that's where the stupidity and damage comes in !
lazy is not doing the required work and stupidity is pretending to understand when you don't, not rocket science is it?
morning , by wallace stevens
verse 5 which I really quite like :o)
she says, “ but in contentment i still feel
the need of some imperishable bliss ”
death is the mother of beauty; hence from her,
alone, shall come fulfilment to our dreams
and our desires. although she strews the leaves
of sure obliteration on our paths,
the path sick sorrow took, the many paths
where triumph rang its brassy phrase, or love
whispered a little out of tenderness,
she makes the willow shiver in the sun
for maidens who were wont to sit and gaze
upon the grass, relinquished to their feet.
she causes boys to pile new plums and pears
on disregarded plate. the maidens taste
and stray impassioned in the littering leaves
if you see what it is about then you will understand we always live just outside the center of a hurricane, it never gets easier, there is always some new sinkhole to fall into................. and this is just the way it is !
mindfulness is a drug mate, get off it and get real !
why does everyone think zen consists of posting meaningless twaddle, pretending it has depth or any sort of real meaning, be 106% cliché and then get upset
when they are
called on it ?
I think this question is just sheer bemusement at the stupidity !
there's an extreme intellectual laziness amongst the people who post this nonsense , you don't have to have read much else or looked a little at life to gain some sense of reality or proportion, but this is SOOOOOOO missing !
why does everyone think zen consists of posting meaningless twaddle, pretending it has depth or any sort of real meaning, be 106% cliché and then get upset when they are called on it ?
he (ed. Xuan Hua) does talk some sense but basically there's something missing !
if you can see what that is, you might call it enlightenment I don't know.................
there's no question there is some fundamental divide in zen, something seen, not simply seen but believed and worked through.................
nobody believes this of course, they think it's about collecting and regurgitating clichés ................
Hua says we can become buddhas, but that's not true, the best we can do is know Buddha
when it /whatever occurs and that knowledge is enlightenment !
well first off jesus is myth, he never existed historically so is just a story !
like Buddha actually !
it turns out that what we know as Christianity is just one version that like a cuckoo in a nest tossed the other eggs out and one of those eggs is the gospel of Thomas which is mystical!
the tone is strikingly different, caustic and cryptic like zen !
plenty of info on the web about it
you really want to extent your intellectual
horizons , try reading some charles bukowski for instance, plenty of good you tube videos on him !
mostly we are pretty boring to others, what people find interesting is weaving something else in !
i'm not a doctor or med student and really they can't post in answer to your
question because of liability and ethics problems
basically they can't give medical advice in an uncontrolled context ! : o )(
so unqualified as I am ...........:o)
really the question is if you will be able to run again !
I see this sort of thing endlessly happen with body builders, they just don't get that if you strain the body in unnatural ways then things wear prematurely and break !
I would minimize the ibuprofen so you get a better pain perception of how not to stress the joint.......
there's not much that medicine can do for knees without surgery, but it might be worth investigating what the injury is.............
I think you are talking six months to a year of recovery to be safe and to do a marathon again would be crazy, just look what the injury issues do to professional sportsmen and they get paid well for it, you don't and still have to earn an income :o()
by eighty we are all cripples, some get there earlier :o)
well there's a huge difference between even 16 and 20 in terms of joint recovery !
we are designed by evolution for our joints to fail as we get older so that very successful breeding individuals don't dominate the gene pool for an overlong period !
a zen competition !
up all you zen masters and enlightened beings , unpeck this koan (no. 70) from the gospel of thomas
if you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you, if you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you !
yeah, you are saying the gospel of thomas is not zen because the notion discomforts you
it's very important to go into that discomfort zone because it's the edge of who we are, that's what the koan means by bringing it out !
you don't even know what the gospel of thomas is do you, not spend 10 minutes researching ?
there's no rules except the rule of what it is about !
of course you can masturbate quietly to yourself and call it zen like most do, but personally if I do something I expect some competence after a while and that means the ability to talk about what it is and not throw up defensive clichés !
I would suggest you search/read the gospel of Thomas, ask yourself what is zen and if it's zen !
what it's about is self taught, you have to do the work, I have already explained it to you but you think you understand when you don't!
I can't go past that because you have bolted the door !
unbolt the door, get into the gospel of thomas a bit, it's rather fun and will carry you out of the pit of rigidity you are stuck in !
what's insurmountable is you will never read the gospel of Thomas !
zen's full of blinkered cultivated stupids playing some head game about themselves !
oh well
April DeConick argues that
the gospel of thomas is a
rolling corpus having a mutual interdependence with the canonical gospels which I think is a fair assessment !
April DeConick argues that the gospel of thomas is a
rolling corpus which I think is a fair assessment with a mutual interdependence with the canonical gospels !
i always wondered what seahorses
ate !
two or three milliseconds to catch and eat the copepod and return the head to it's original position, unbelievably fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!
photos convey a lot, looks a beautiful environment !
sanity and insanity streaked :o)(
I find people are a type of
smart , intelligent/clever in some areas and stupid in others
I think if you look overall your concerns will wash away............ :o()
you are going to have to do a complete re-think about your
life , you have serious depression and no doubt other issues that cluster with it like poor
sleep , being on autistic spectrum, possibly gut problems etc ! ?
it may have a seasonal aspect and the winter viruses certainly don't help !
school maybe too stressful for you.................. the issue is quality of life and survival, you will need a low stress environment all your life imo !
just be very careful both of health services and your acquaintances, people can get very peculiar and actually some downright predatory !
you will no doubt be put on anti-depressants, you want to research side effects , just be informed, they can work for a while and then stop working or they may not work at all................
you really have to step up to a different perspective because that is your situation, life is not friendly to the damaged .................... anyway my approach I have written up
here , with it I have avoided the need for anti-depressants ! :o)
I am sorry if what I say seems abit hard, but been there.........
vulnerability acts like a red flag to some......... :o(
what is zen ?
dull minds endlessly routing (and rerouting ! ) clichés through schema they imagine to be zen !
what is zen ?
dull minds endlessly routing clichés through schema they imagine to be zen !
some sort of bacterial/uti
overgrowth , I actually find eating blueberries cooked for say a minute or two (not too long or it loses it's potency) very helpful for that
something in the blueberry skin stops the bacteria being able to stick to the urethra walls?
it's the anthocyanins which a number of berries have, I even think it's in red wine to some extent, but i have never tried cranberries and the blueberries seem to work pretty well, there's also a little black gooseberry that works well !
I don't know how much fast food
he's eating, but it's my experience that if they are not eating properly there's no hope !
he's intelligent and has his life arranged to suit himself..............
he's on what is called autistic spectrum, or aspergers syndrome, it's really not helpful to think of him as a bum.............
I see one or two people have sorta trolled and marked down my very sensible post above (ed. on reddit !) because I thought throwawaybro's brother is on autistic spectrum/ has aspergers syndrome
all I can say is you don't solve problems by being in denial !
his feelings may be permanently
ruptured , you don't want to take it too hard, life's like that, opportunities open and opportunities close ............... :o(
waxy textured
potatoes have more sugar and less starch, so are more digestible, Bintje, Dutch cream, Nadine, Pink Eye............
bismarks are no good, even as new potatoes !
messages the commenters don't like I see
1. recreational drugs can fuck your brain !
2. prescription drugs have bad side effects !
all over a well done video I thought !
yeah I think you are right about the
job, she wouldn't be the first teacher driven to drink ! :o)
sucks too much out of her................. !
not to mention the crippled joints ! :o)
crazy crazy crazy these
body builders.................
I was thinking the book I find most useful, or author rather is sa'di because he's very practical, had a hard and dangerous life, been a slave to the crusaders, a difficult marriage, that sort of thing !
I read both “ the orchard ” and “ the rose garden ” you really have to understand the culture which is medieval and the sufi conventions in terms of the way they express themselves
there's a lot there..................
“ there must be courage; there must be no awe.
there must be criticism, for humor, to my mind, is encapsulated in criticism.
there must be a disciplined eye and a wild mind...
there must be a magnificent disregard of your reader,
for if he cannot follow you, there is nothing you can do about it ”
it's best just to eat for health and not deliberately target things like muscle mass or weight !
if the eating is right then everything else will be right, you may be naturally a light build !
cutting weight should be illegal in sports, there's always some permanent damage !
(amyloid !?) plaque
tangles are a form of protein misfolding ! : o )(
this has big implications :o)(
ewk asks
What do you mean by “enlightenment” ?
my reply
funnily enough, I was just reading a letter last night by the zen nun ryonen to her daughter and I thought this was enlightenment
my retranslation from grace schireson's
book “women in zen” page 163
so quiet, the birds chirp undisturbed
we melt into the bamboo and moss, propped up on our elbows !
it's my good fortune to be in this rustic idyll quietly contemplating my declining years :o)(
this “not needing” of mine sings a quiet song
propped up on a pillow by the steps i watch the deer
a farmer, unshouldering his tools stops to talk
why question me
the trees streams and mountains are more sonorous :o)( !
ewk, what happens if you don't have to be right, are not even slightly enlightened and don't know shit ! ?
it's where you are anyway :o)
what is that illumination ?
the story reading monks are speachless :o)
that's an interesting
story, you can see where the japanese zen really starts to depart from the Chinese cha'n
it's an anti-intellectual samari ethic so soldiers don't think too hard and are blindly obedient, they have no outside intellectual contact and are unable to develop any independence of mind, the meditation just winds them into stupid dogs !
i don't think i have seen whirling
dervishes before
catatonic !
state !
beer has high
chromium levels, if you supplement you will be able to quit drinking easier !
you will make better friends !
alcohol is actually a drug so there's no real friends, just associates !
a quote by sohaku ogata
If one thinks that one is following Zen by going contrary to every established form, one is hopelessly mistaken and has already fallen into another form, namely that of thinking that one must be free of formality.
yet true zen and mystical endeavor is contrary to the world !
that is, the world is upside down, so to be rightside up you must be upside to the world
contrary !
lordlawnmower writes
There is work to be done and this is something we actually all seem to agree on, even ewk mentions “ doing the work ” every now and then.
I ask
/r/zen one and all, what work must be done?
my reply
deconstruction and reassembly such that the reassembled product continually (self! ?) deconstructs
that's the real process, but what mostly (seems to ! ?) occur(s! ! ) ! with what is called zen is the usual building of similitudes !
these similitudes collapse under their own weight trapping the builder in the various ongoing insanities/inanities like beliefs, wasted lives, endless ceremonial brou ha.......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lordlawnmower writes
There is work to be done and this is something we actually all seem to agree on, even ewk mentions “ doing the work ” every now and then.
I ask
/r/zen one and all, what work must be done?
my reply
deconstruction and reassembly such that the reassembled product continually (self! ?) deconstructs
that's the real process, but what mostly (seems to ! ?) occur(s! ! ) ! with what is called zen is the usual building of similitudes !
these similitudes collapse under their own weight trapping the builder in the various ongoing insanities/inanities like beliefs, wasted lives, endless ceremonial brou ha.......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/8th of a tablet of the blackmores “mega B” i take daily and yes, it will give a boost ! very occasionally i will also take some b-12 !
even similar looking supplements and formulations can vary considerably and one has to be very detailed about exactly what supplement one is taking and how much !
the best boost for you would in fact be
estradiol patches, i have a write up on it, there are loopholes in the cancer risk, selenium and iodine supplementation being part of that and also starting it young enough and not having a family
history !
a lot of the cancer risk relates to women starting it too late after menopause!
you may be low thyroid, as i say iodine and neck sweetbreads are needed for this, but iodine needs selenium supplementation !
people our age who get a few supplements really right do hugely better, but it takes real work and thinking and acting out of the box !
what diabetes is and the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes are in real life quite blurred !
even notions of what hyper and hypo glycemia are, are not the clear unambiguous entities that might be imagined !
what I was saying is that hypoglycemia can be precursor condition of diabetes and it's actual presentation in diabetes is usually iatrogenic
the reason it can be a precursor to diabetes is that excessive insulin production also produces damaging amounts of amylin so that after some years of this problem the islets themselves become damaged and hence diabetic !
my website and the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet which with the specific carbohydrate diet are the only scientifically based diets around, they are concerned with digestive health and PREVENTING conditions that would take one into medical interventions !!!!
re the
dealing with people, you need larger horizon, read some Emily dickinson, Dylan Thomas, charles bukowski !
i'm really serious about that, its the only way you get it, some overview of the nightmare of life :o)
re weight I do the biofilm/microbiome carbohydrate diet
obesity and diabetes are horribly closely linked.....!
“ where's the man that could
ease a heart like a satin gown? ”
drug use and poor eating habits go together !
a correspondent writes
Marine Stewardship Council, what a name. I bought Solgar Omnium for a boost the other day, despite my healthy intake of fruit and vegetable
omnium has an ingredient list as long as health store shelf !
i'm really surprised at you, have you checked out each ingredient individually !
do you know what ALA is ?
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine ?
they are both chelators , ie arsenic, mercury and lead mobilizers and over the years on the net i have seen so many people with their brains and health permanently ruined by using them
the only multi that works are b vit complexes, like i cut down the blackmores mega b tablets to about 1/10th
all the rest of any sort of multi are crazily bad
i have heaps of
advice on this sort of thing
you are sniffy about a good supplement, the
ecokrill and yet are taking something quite destructive !
the omnium is designed to give abit of a boost but the process is destructive !
you should look at things like chromium as per this
link , each mineral etc. has to be carefully put in place !
you can pick out chromium in the index and you probably need to look at
iodine as well
there's heaps you can do, like get neck sweetbreads to eat which are thyroids in fact
but you have to put in the work,
one stop solutions like the omnium are the holocast ( i have seen worse :o)
so buddhism evolved from animistic tree
shrines , from local deities and beliefs to a consistent state wide religion
that's what all that nonsense about buddha getting enlightened under a tree is !
a temporary abberation for india, it soon reverted to multiplicity
so buddhism evolved from animistic tree
shrines , from local deities and beliefs to a consistent state wide religion
that's what all that nonsense about buddha getting enlightened under a tree is !
a temporary abberation for india, it soon reverted to multiplicity :o)(
so buddhism evolved from animistic tree
shrines , from local deities and beliefs to a consistent state wide religion
that's what all that nonsense about buddha getting enlightened under a tree is !
a temporary abberation for india, it soon reverted to multiplicity
eli5 asks
What are the health benefits of a gluten-free diet?
Why should I avoid gluten?
my reply
the gluten free diet is actually an over simplification of the
specific carbohydrate diet and it's more modern version the biofilm/
microbiome carbohydrate diet !
so basically
glaidin antibodies are the end stage of along disease process which is the loss of control of the gut biome !
removing grains can really help some, but you need to get into those diets and understand what it is all about !
the microgestin having estrogen/estradiol in will suit her more, she shouldn't have any more depo
provera shots !
she is probably abit low in estrogen and will likely have a rough menopause, she should be thinking about her health a bit !
mellotronstorm replies
I suppose microgestin would be better for her but what really gets me is that the doctor wants her to take it with depo provera
a doctor offers advice, it's up to you whether to take it or not !
when I think about it, it sorta depends how sure fire you need the contraception to be, like if she is prepared to have an abortion in the event things go wrong, then you can be more relaxed about the effectiveness of the contraception, so you can avoid more toxic 100% sure fire things like depo provera in combination with microgestin !
I think doctors have been sued for contraceptive failure, the advice they give can come from a very different space than what actually is best for you/her !
i write
lol, just come back from 15 minutes of 71 iu/min sunbathing !
steve replies
That's a UV Index of 10.0000 ! Even a reptile would only bask 15 min
in that. And it's not even Dec 21 down there yet
the air is very clear and with a slight high haze you get a magnifying effect about half an hour after solar noon !
bioavailable 25OHD is the best test !
bioavailable and not serum 25OHD is the bottom line and i think you will have similar differences within populations as well !
in english, people's sensitivity to vitamin D may vary considerably !
Dear Andrew,
I never know what you are talking
yeah, it's English so it seems like you should understand it, but one can't !
I used to have the same problem with toni packer and listened to some of her talk tapes endlessly..................... but I think the/a/the shift does occur after awhile !
I listened to john loori as well, but I finally figured he didn't know what he was on about and just used the usual zen crafting of voynich to give the appearance of familiarity and knowledge...........................
it really has taken me twenty years to get a bead on crafty and not so crafty rubbish
presented as true :o)
I think that's actually what zen is about, there's a sort of quantum leap into a completely different frame of reference...................... !!!
it is a puzzle of sorts, if you do the work, it will open up !
of course in stead of dissing it, one could say “ well what is it I don't understand ? ”
endless people go through zen and come out knowing less than when they went in, sort of like smoking pot for so many years instead of looking at non toxic to the brain things that actually help with the real needs of what to do for better
sleep and that sort of thing !
the real zen is alive and sparkling and creative, the dogs roll in corpses of course, lol, is that the real meaning of does a dog have Buddha nature, ie can a dog change?
can you change? have I changed or was it always that we were non-dogs !?
am saying
anon/ a non
? . . . .
problem is that weed/pot/cannabis is toxic to the brain and kills neurons, you just can't get away from that ! I think most people smoke to help with
sleep but really there are better ways to deal with that rather than slowly snip neurons away :o(
schizophrenic just means people who are too rigid and don't adapt to life , all of us at times I am afraid :o()()
cannabis with ibuprofen (or another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) to offset the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol induced neuronal damage is potentially an alzheimers
treatment !
this is what's wrong with america !
funny !
a more toxic slew of food chemicals would be hard to find !
a relative writes
Thank you Andrew, I might try
it .
My brain could do with some sharpening.
I take fish oil but krill oil is better? And more expensive I bet.
it's quite expensive but it's worth it !
i take two capsules once a day, a bit after eating
the trouble with the cheaper krill oil's is they are oxidized, this is the first one i have come across that's ok !
i think it's synergistic with the fish oil !
just buy one bottle of the blackmore's ecokrill and see how it goes, i am sure you will notice the benefit :o)
it's stocked in supermarkets, check the date code and make sure you get the latest expiry date !
i do several squats a day for exercise, flat footed, no problem :o)
high status men obviously press her
button , and murdock, what do you expect ? at 82? do you even know what a hard on is !
one can own “the sun” and still be a victim of the “daily mail” :o)(
I think the trap of the cure
zone health message board is that it is censored, but it doesn't look so, and i didn't figure that out until I had the bizarre experience of having my better and more effective posts removed !
so you get this inbuilt distortion of nonsense being preferred by the moderators, which is of course why they are as ill as they are !
the compendium message boards are not censored and experience has taught me how important this is for anything of value and truthful reality to be maintained !
my experience of the chelation and iodine and other health boards, even pecanbread and enzymesandautism is they are all censored and doom their participants to ineptitude !
reddit doesn't appear to be censored but you can see the “Hive mind” at work as my tougher posts lose their KARMA : o)
lulu 3156 writes
I'd say by all accounts rev. Myogen Steve Stuckey ( ed. of the san francsico zen center and dying of pancreatic cancer! ) is doing a pretty damn good sun faced Buddha moon faced
And he lays on his death bed with wife and children by his side
my reply
lulu, according to the conventional view yes !
however there is another space from which things look very different in which he is a misguided man dying in a conventional human way !
years ago travelling around zen centers in the usa I was struck by the appalling levels of health problems and since returning to new zealand/australia have invested quite abit of time in addressing and solving those problems for myself and others...........
zen has pretty well collapsed from it's heights of the 70's and 80's because of the very poor quality of transmitted teachers, the system doesn't and perhaps never did work !
the sense and reality and love of this very different space makes one rejected by the human................
I think both you and kogen have a strong sense of this place, it's just you don't recognize or value it enough because the conventional zen view doesn't..........
if this isn't an
incentive to lose weight what is?
“ A single overactive enzyme (ed. MK2) worsens the two core defects of diabetes — impaired insulin sensitivity and overproduction of glucose ”
“ recent unpublished data suggests that MK2 is overactive in obese people, including those with pre-diabetes, but not in lean people
Moreover, the MK2 pathway is active in human liver cells, and, according to a large human genetic study called DIAGRAM, a key component of the pathway that activates MK2 is associated with diabetes ”
well I have two types of uv lamps on my website and how to build them and where to get the tubes from
the compact should all round be quite abit cheaper and easier to build, but i use both!
this information is for educational purposes only and I specifically recommend you do not construct them because of the skin cancer risk !
I have an extensive write up on removing
UVB makes the vitamin D in the skin and the tubes that do this are called “ broadband uvb ” and I use the philips ones which are medical quality which is important as you want minimal UVC leakage !
funnily enough I found my lamp destroys freckles and actually tan as well, tho i tan again when I get sun on it !
living most of my life in new zealand I have quite a sun damaged skin and I have found the necessity to remove moles occasionally with liquid nitrogen or iodine followed by hydrogen peroxide
that's why I do not recommend anyone make one or at the very least consult with a skin specialist and take his advice ENTIRELY !
the lamps are a very different territory tho I think they use them in eastern Europe for obvious reasons
I have preferred to remove moles myself, because if they really are cancerous, I don't want to risk the scalpel blade used in surgery spreading cancerous cells !
I think I am only prepared to discuss these lamps in the context of what I do and not in terms of someone else building or using them !
I think the uvb has been a life saver for me, but the reality is there's quite a bit more to using it safely than meets the eye and I did go through a stage of a fairly aggressive removal of moles, but that need seems to be pretty much gone now tho I still have problem areas on my face from skiing and summer holidays in a lot of sun in new zealand !
a relative died of a non-melanoma skin cancer several years ago and we have the same skin type !
it's a very good skill to be able to remove moles yourself and really I think that needs to be in place before using a uvb lamp as it was for me
my homebuilt uvb lamp imo is hormetic for melanoma, but if you have existing skin damage that could lead to basal or squamous cell carcinomas then this is an area of concern
all the full compendium and BCD when implemented have a strong anti-cancer action imo and I think this is also an important factor in me being able to use the lamp safely !
as I said if the pieces are in place it can be a life saver by the way it reduces autoimmunity !
it's the oxidizing effect of UVA which causes both melanoma and tanning !
even with broadband UVB tubes you still get some UVA, i think to deliberately get UVA without adequate UVB as in most tanning salon spectra, is to get damage without benefit !
i think i found some posts she made on a breast cancer board or similar, ( cause of Kxyz's death ) and other indications of a super strong interest in her last year, so it's not 100% certainty, but i am fairly sure !
i wonder if she had the inflammatory type of breast cancer, it has that sort of onset/fatality profile and would go with Kxyz being strongly on autistic spectrum !
her family may have wanted to keep it quiet so as not to tarnish her public persona as a health guru, her web site is still up i notice !
actually that's one of the weird things about the web, your web presence can outlive you !
ah well, the good die young, i personally feel that if she had done a few things differently like keeping up her personal
enzyme use of the the pep, zyme and no fenol capsule trio (IMO the outstanding combination) and few other things like abit of topical
iodine and particularly i think the health circuit scene with a lot of the shared/breath public/personal contact that goes with lecturing and booking signing etc. is a huge immune system/inflammatory stress because the people in it are usually not that well and can have very subtle contagious viruses and things, like this why most doctors have lost half their cognitive facilities by about 45, same with dentists
the net is the answer for this , you just don't have to deal with people personally, my biofilm/microbome carbohydrate diet
pages and message
board have been going for years now and it's weird because i am seeing others in the scene from the old days drop away and i am surviving !
i have learnt that people in general hate complexity, but the reality is you can't make things simpler than they are unless you are doing a fad diet :o)
it's even causing some problems in the family because they want to rubbish what i am doing but i am looking so young and am so physically agile that they can't say anything, but you know, having to watch a young relative with similar gut issues continuing to be treated ineffectively through the medical approach and her parents won't look at what i have to say............
got inured enough not to expect much different from people at this stage of life, the human adult is a miscast block of concrete !
actually i do feel Kxyz would still be alive if she hadn't been exposed to the personal/shared breath contact of the real life autism scene and had got the supplements righter, it would be very interesting to know what type of breast cancer she had !
you might like to consider whether your own exposure to this sort of contact is having an impact on you, maybe the arthritis relates to it !
Brad warner is
making some big/Bad mistakes
firstly, it's not cool to ordain monks/nuns and is gonna cause you problems later !
secondly get with the kickstarter internet paradigm for movies !
bums on seats in theatres doesn't work anymore, release to the internet and rely on donations ! god, adam
tebbe (surprisingly! ?) is leading the way here !
of all the failed zens on the net , he is the one i am most surprised by, there's actually some sense and he is moving into an area he has astrong natural ability in, so unlike the rest who wallow atrociously in their inadequacies/most inadequate area ! : o )()
what is this about except a woman
killing males ?
she likes the thrill of the close up kill and the male dying from blood loss :o)(()
I wonder if that woman in that
video in earlier centuries might have been a saint in constant ecstasy with god?
makes you think doesn't it !
I wonder if that woman in that
video in earlier centuries might have been a saint in constant ecstasy with god? makes you think doesn't it !
i think basically you are lead poisoned, creating a condition compounded by poor/misguided eating and supplementation and probably bad/unlucky genetics
there's nothing you can do for viruses, as humans we have a huge amount of background viruses that get away when our health and immune function go downhill !
i'd do things like enzymes before going to the doctor !
it takes years to get the
compendium and BCD right, you just have to plug away, all the medicine stuff is just making you lose your focus
for some things medicine can be a magic answer but there's almost nothing there for you, you have to accept that, just a lot of dull dietary and supplementation work ahead, well that's the way it is ! :o)(
the dual selenium
protocol is very helpful for lead
you just need to keep doing things and discuss it, it's very experimental !
last night i tried some new potatoes but it didn't go that well.........................
a close relative has similar health issues to me, he won't listen to me and is not surviving and i am.............................
look for many small improvements that add up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
my brain has really sharpened up with this
product , it's the Marine Stewardship Council krill oil that's important, there will be other brands, but i think the MSC oil is processed much more carefully and so is alot less oxidized than the usual product !
was i this dumb at sixteen?
could have been : o)(
I've been drinking a lot of liquids lately, water and milk and normal stuff. I've been very thirsty and I've drank 7-10 liters every day this week, from Sunday last week. Today, I haven't been too thirsty actually.
Yesterday, I noticed that I couldn't read small text from 10-12 meters so well. My vision has been pretty normal before this, my right eye has had worse than normal vision before too, but nothing too irritating. Today, it's very irritating to even look at my computer screen, and when I look out of the window, trees are quite blurry.
I have cousins who have type 1 diabetes, (ed. he had type 1 diabetes !) and it has been always running in our family, I don't think that I have it, but it is a possibility I guess. I'm 16 years old. I'm going to school nurse next week
Could these problems be related and could they be anything serious? I hope not :D
basically high blood glucose slowly fries the bodies cells including the brain so this is not a casual issue or some minor irritation that is easily fixed
you want to look at what you eat and any helpful supplementation like
chromium to reduce insulin resistance which spares the islet cells !
you have to be experimental and figure out what works for you !
it's interesting that this may have developed recently, that is, in early winter, is your climate such that you had some strongish sun on the skin in summer and nothing now?
naftis replies
I live in Finland. Not really strong sun but big change between summer and winter definitely
well the summer sun on the skin dampens the immune response that will be destroying the islets in your pancreas, do you take vitamin D at all?
naftis replies
Yeah, I take D-vitamin 4-5 times a week. But my aunt has diabetes and my cousin has it too, so it kinda runs in the family. I think that's the biggest reason for this.
yeah, sorry to hear that ! well my experience is that good sun on the skin does do quite a bit (and I use my homebuilt uvb lamp),
chromium helps a lot by helping keep the insulin resistance down which spare the islets, and quality fish or MSC krill oil
I think the point about genetics is your ancestors survived, (no medication in those days !) so there's some differences in living today that allow the diabetes to surface !
some people eliminate wheat
i really find that chromium makes a big difference in keeping blood sugar levels down !
christ, they don't need the chinese to
destroy their country do they?